I had a great time when they were here and I miss them already!
The funniest thing was the disco that we hade friday evening. At first, no one was dancing, except me and Annie who made a so called dance. Then, a few more started to dance after a while. Me and my friends tried to make them who didn't dance to dance! I hope that everyone had fun, I know that I did. The funniest thing on disco was when Pietro started to kiss almost every girls on their cheeks! He started with me, and then he went on with the other girls. The music on the disco could have been better, but it was fun anyway. We learned the Italian boys to say ”Öl” (beer) and ”Schtegarn” (it is a swedish word, and I don't have a clue what it means, but it is a name for a person, that I know). It was so boring to say goodbye to everybody. It was so fun to get to know them, and I hope that we can keep in touch. And I learned so much english, and some bad french words. Hehe. I hope that I someday can go to their countries and visit them.
Hugs and kisses,
Hi Sara! I'm Stefania, the Italian girl. I want to thank everybody for this beautiful experience because in the time that I spent in Sveden I lernt so many things. I saw a completely different world and a completely different kind of life and cultures. So it was very istructive for my personal growth. Now I'm in contact with some of you like the other Italian guys from Salerno, Malo,the girl from Guadalupe and the Svedish boy Christofer. So I hope to remain in contact with you!! I want to thank also my host Nathalie and her beautiful family for their warm hospitality. Bye Bye!!!!!
Hi, I'm Martina from Italy, I want to thank all of you for the fantastic esperience, and especially for the great hospitality;
in particularly Therese, and her family, that considered me as a daughter;
Whith this esperience I learnt much about a different culture, and about the importance of the comunications.
With the commenius project I could meet very nice people, from different countries.
I hope to see evrybody soon...
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