Thursday, 26 February 2009


This Tuesday was ”semledagen” in Sweden. It's a day when very many eat buns with marzipan and whipped cream. “Semledagen” is also called “fat Tuesday”. It is a tradition in Sweden. In the past, people ate the bun before they were going to fast because it is full of calories. Nowadays people eat “semla” not just for a day. You can buy it almost the whole winter and a little bit till the spring. //Anna Clara


Anonymous said...

That is really cool. Oh my god. I am excited very much. Ehm sorry what are you talking about?xD

Anonymous said...

in Czech republic we have similar buns. It looks like same as yours but inside is marmelade or chocolate. We call it "koblihy" and it is very tasty! It is made from special dought and we ussually eat it for a snack.
Veronika, Polička CZ

Anonymous said... looks czech republic we have similar food called KOBLIHA and STRUDL...

Anonymous said...

strudl ftw!