Friday, 19 December 2008

Christmas Holiday!

Today it is the last day of the term! The teachers beat the 9 graders at "topsboll" topz ball. It is a game that is about the same as indoor hockey, but you play with a stick that looks just like one of those small plastic topz you have to scratch the inside of your ear with. But of course, the stick is as big as a hockey stick. You can imagine that it is very difficult to hit the ball with such a stick.

Well, to make a long story short -we -the teachers won BIG!

Before the topz ball, all students danced some traditional dances (I danced the same dances when I was a student at school -a long, long time ago! Most of the students join in the dances and have a good time.

Two girls from grade 7 entered the stage and sang a song each. Well done!

Then it was time for lunch and today it was as our tradition at Tanumskolan: "Julgröt" -which is warm rice pudding served with sugar, cinnamon and milk.

Then all classes met up in the classroom with their teachers and we had a cosy time with lit candles, Christmas songs on the cd-player and then we handed out the grades.

After that, it was time to go home and most of the teachers have a tradition, at last day of the term, to follow the students to the schoolbus -and wave to them when the busses leave.

We hope you all have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year! We are looking forward to get going with the blog again after New Year. Now most of the blogs are up and running and it is going to be very interesting to see what we can do together in 2009.

Yesterday I spoke to an old student of ours, Nicolina, who came with us to Policka in November 2007. She still keeps in touch with some of the Czech and Italian students at least once a week! I think we have a great way to keep up the good work we are doing! After working together, for some of us up to 5 years, we ARE a Comenius family -just like Peter says!

So, to all of the members of the Comenius family, both students and teachers: MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

/Anna, teacher at Tanum


Anonymous said...

i think that hockey is a beautiful sport. when i am on holiday i relax and go out with my friend. merry christmas and happy new year !!!
by matthew from triest

Stuart said...

Happy New Year
I have been reading your blog and have found it very interesting.
In 1976, yes a long time ago, we were shown around the rock art at Vitlyke by one of your teachers, Ms Mattsson. In those days it was best to see it at night with torches.
We stayed on the campsite nearby in a very small tent.
Please say 'hello' to Ms Mattsson.

Stuart from Ringwood UK

Anonymous said...

That stick game "topzball" sounds like very interesting.

Regards, Lassi & Juha från Finland