Thursday, 26 February 2009

Fluoride Treatment

For not so long ago two dentist were here and checked our teeth.
First, we received a toothpick to clear between the teeth,
when we were finished with that we got a fluoride treatment,
it is a treatment for teeth its tastes not so much.
The dentists come once a month to look at our teeth.
There were no scary dentist they were happy and kind.
So you need not to worry!



This Tuesday was ”semledagen” in Sweden. It's a day when very many eat buns with marzipan and whipped cream. “Semledagen” is also called “fat Tuesday”. It is a tradition in Sweden. In the past, people ate the bun before they were going to fast because it is full of calories. Nowadays people eat “semla” not just for a day. You can buy it almost the whole winter and a little bit till the spring. //Anna Clara

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Finally winter has arrived!

This afternoon some of the students went ice skating! The sun was out in a clear blue sky and it was nice and cold!

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Short Story competition

Write a short story by using some of the photos from the slide show.
Email the short story to before the 15th April.
The three best short stories will get a prize!



In school we get grades. Here in Sweden we have four different grades. We have IG, G, VG, and MVG. It stands for ”Not acceptable”, ”Acceptable”, ”Well acceptable” and ”Very well acceptable.” In all our classes, except the "pupils choice" hour, we get grades. We get our grades the first time when we go in the 8th grade. If we wan't to go on with our education we need these grades to get in a good school. You need to have good grades if you want that.

I was wondering what grades you get in the other countries. Is it like ours?

Winter holiday

Soon we have a holiday. We call it sport vacation. It is in the middle of February. The vacation lasts for a week. Many people go skiing here in Sweden. But also in the Alps. Others are just at home and relax. // Anna Clara

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Question about Sweden!

Send your answers to Anna. E-mail:

Which is the capital of Sweden?
1. Stockholm
2. Oslo
3. Göteborg
Which persons does the B:s stands for in Abba?
1. Bernt and Billy
2. Boris and Bert
3. Benny and Björn

What is the name of the Swedish king and queen?
1. Gretel and Karl III Evert
2. Alexandra and Edward III
3. Silvia and Carl XVI Gustav

Which book has Astrid Lindgren not written?
1. Pippi Long stocking
2. Nils Holgersson
3. The Children of Noise Village

Which animal is the “king of the forest”? (in Sweden)
1. Bear
2. Moose
3. Lynx

On big events like Christmas, Easter and Midsummer we eat a special fish, what is it called?
1. Herring
2. Salmon
3. Cod

Which big trademark is not Swedish?
2. Windows Microsoft
3. H&M

How many people live in Sweden?
1. ca: 3 millions
2. ca: 9 millions
3. ca: 11 millions

Who rules in our country? (Sweden)
1. a King
2. a president
3. government

How many students is it in our school?
1. 200
2. 150
3. 300

Made of: Annie, Olivia, Johanna and Nathalie:D